Lanterman Research Intern Program
Applications now open for the high school summer intern program.
Applications now open for the high school summer intern program.
The Summer Picnic offers music and fun for all ages!
Learn the history of Frank Flint’s beautiful hotel.
Enjoy a free concert at the Lanterman House!
Join us to honor our members and volunteers!
Applications being accepted for the Executive Director position.
Our annual holiday party has something for everyone!
Enter the family friendly Gingerbread House Contest!
Apply to be a Lanterman House Junior Docent!
Read all about the Lanterman House’s newly installed Native Plant Garden.
Discover the history and traditional Tongva uses of native plants at this free event!
Enjoy performances of classic spooky radio plays!
Make a fabulous fall centerpiece at this workshop!
Join us as the 2024 summer interns present their work!
Check out this new exhibit from the 2024 Lanterman Research Interns!
Join our volunteer team!
Beat the heat with a morning tour of the house.
Historian Becky Nicolades discusses her groundbreaking new book.
The Summer Picnic offers music and fun for all ages!
Julie Yamashita speaks about the controversial building of the freeway.
Join us to honor our members and volunteers!
Hear the history of Rockhaven, the women-only sanitarium in La Crescenta.
Dance in the historic Lanterman Ballroom!
Song of the Angels Flute Orchestra will perform their winter concert in the historic ballroom of the Lanterman House. The renowned orchestra features Charles Fernandez conducting flutes of all sizes and a harp.
Free admission, although a donation of $5 to the Lanterman Historical Museum Foundation is gratefully received. Please note that the ballroom is only accessible via stairs. No reservations required, but please note seating is limited to 65.
Arrive early to claim your seat and enjoy selected room tours for free between 1:30 and 2:30pm. If you’d like to take the whole house tour, please reserve a spot on the 1pm tour here.
Explore the dramatic story of the construction of the 210 Freeway through La Canada.
Enjoy the Lanterman holiday decorations through January 18!
Dr. Eileen Wallis, professor at Cal Poly Pomona, will discuss her recent book which explores the political, legal, medical, and social battles that led to the widespread institutionalization of Californians with disabilities from the gold rush to the 1970s. She focuses on the infighting between state government and Los Angeles County over providing care for Californians with developmental and mental disabilities, culminating in the 1960s with the birth of the disability rights movement and the complete rewriting of California’s laws on the treatment and rights of Californians with disabilities.
Dr. Wallis will sell and sign her book at the event. “California and the Politics of Disability, 1850-1970,” Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
No reservations required; however, seating is limited to 50.
The advent of an exciting and subversive musical style called Ragtime at the dawn of the 20th century also brought about new forms of dance. Dance historian Walter Nelson, making extensive use of films from the era, will lead a lively discussion on the evolution of social dance from the period 1890 to 1920.
No reservations required; however, seating is limited to 50.
View the new digital exhibition created by the 2023 Lanterman Research Interns!
The Summer Picnic is back!
Historian Mike Lawler shares scandalous stories of La Canada’s past!
Learn about Arthur Haley, architect of the Lanterman House and much more.
John Newcombe’s latest film documents the amazing life of local resident Carl Howell.