Foundation History
The preservation of the Lanterman House was assured by the gift of Lloyd Lanterman, the last surviving member of the family, to the city of La Cañada Flintridge. After Lloyd’s death in 1987, the city received a $500,000 grant from the state of California to restore and preserve the house. An advisory Lanterman House Committee, chaired by Sue Schechter, was appointed by the City Council. They recommended the formation of a support organization, and in 1990, the Lanterman Historical Museum Foundation was incorporated to “preserve, restore, operate and make available the Lanterman House Museum, its collections and site….”
Since its incorporation, the Lanterman Historical Museum Foundation has:
Hosted over 40,000 visitors through tours and public programs
Connected more than 13,000 students to local history
Created the Lanterman House History Center and Archive
Raised over $450,000 for restoration and interpretation of the beautiful Lanterman House
View the Lanterman House’s past newsletters, with interesting local history articles and other information about Foundation activities.
Interior of Lanterman House, billiard room.