La Cañada School, circa 1895
This was the second schoolhouse in La Cañada (the first one was built in 1885 and destroyed by fire in 1892). It was located where Memorial Park is now. The bell in the tower is now displayed in front of La Cañada Elementary School.

La Cañada Community Church, circa 1897
The La Cañada Community Church was founded in 1897. Jacob and Ammoretta Lanterman donated the land on Michigan Avenue (now Foothill Boulevard) and Verdugo Avenue. Community members donated $1200 to build the one-story building.

Community Church of La Cañada Flintridge, circa 1924
This was the second church building, built in 1924 (replacing the original wood frame structure). Its popular name, “Church of the Lighted Window,” originated from a Tiffany window given in memory of Jacob and Ammoretta Lanterman. California Poet Laureate Stephen McGroarty described the memorial as “a lighted window that shines out upon the lonely night…” The church is a designated state historical landmark (HLA n-007).

The Guderian family general store, circa 1902
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Guderian and their two children Clara and Walter in front of their general store, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Union Street.
Photo by Charles Pate. Image property of La Cañada Congregational Church (Pate 99).

Stagecoach at La Crescenta Store, circa 1895
Travelers to and from the Crescenta Cañada Valley could take the stagecoach from Pasadena. The La Crescenta Store and Post Office, located at Foothill Boulevard and La Crescenta Avenue, was one stop.

Burrows and Guderian children, 1902
The Guderian family ran the local general store.
Photo by Charles Pate. Image property of La Cañada Congregational Church (Pate 88).

Guderian family washday, 1902
Mrs. Guderian and her sister, Mrs. Henderson, are wringing sheets into a wicker laundry basket after having cranked them clean in a hand-operated roller washboard machine.
Photo by Charles Pate. Image property of La Cañada Congregational Church (Pate 64).

La Canada Tournament of Roses float, 1915

The Moses children riding their donkey, Chili Beans, to school, 1923
The Moses children, who lived on Palm Drive, would ride their donkey Chili Beans to school every day. This photo was taken on Foothill Boulevard.

Flintridge Garage and Service Station on Foothill and Angeles Crest Highway circa 1920
Senator Frank Flint established the Flintridge Garage to house the limousine he used to drive his customers to see the estates he was planning. His chauffeur was a race car driver who kept his race car in the Flintridge Garage so he could work on it when not needed to drive Flint’s customers.

Flintridge Patrol and Fire Engine, circa 1920

Mock-up of Corporal and Private missiles, JPL, 1945
Mockups of the two missiles under development at JPL, 1945. On left is JPL Director, Frank Malina. JPL was founded in the 1930s by Caltech scientists and rocket enthusiasts who experimented in this isolated area of the Arroyo Seco.
Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Jet Propulsion Laboratory sign, 1957
The sign for the JPL entrance, before NASA was formed.
Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

City of La Cañada Flintridge
The city of La Cañada Flintridge was officially incorporated in 1976.